The II International Scientific Conference “Recent Advances in Architecture and Construction 2024”

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Kazan Federal University”, Federal state budget educational institution of higher education «Moscow State University of Civil Engineering» announce the II International Scientific Conference “Recent Advances in Architecture and Construction 2024”. The conference will be held from May 14 to May 15, 2024.
The general purpose of the “Recent Advances in Architecture” conferences is to provide opportunities for scientists and engineers from all over the world to meet and to discuss current research on a broad range of subjects. Kazan Federal University (Russian) is a very suitable place, well provided with conference facilities, has an equipped material and technical base, and this makes it feasible to hold such meetings.
The fact that “Recent Advances in Architecture and Construction 2024” conferences is organized for the International Scientific Community should be kept in mind. Qualified scientists from all countries are of course welcome as participants.
This Conference is broad in scientific scope, is open to all those interested, and is expected to have a number of participants between 150 and 600.
The purpose of the conference is to generalize domestic and world experience in Architecture, to preserve the continuity of scientific schools, to form a new level of training professional staff, and to strengthen scientific and business contacts.
The Conference Editorial Board welcomes manuscripts in both fundamental and applied research areas, and encourages submissions which contribute novel and innovative insights to the field of Architecture. All submitted articles considered suitable for “Recent Advances in Architecture and Construction 2024” conference are subjected to rigorous peer review to ensure the highest levels of quality.
The language of the Conference submitted papers is English.
Participation format:
– full-time with oral presentation;
– full-time with poster report.